Monday, July 11, 2011

Down for the Count

I sat here on Friday and wrote a post that was a filler as I would call it. It was just a post to keep everyone reading an update because nothing special or monumental happened. Well clearly I wrote my post way too soon.

After just another ordinary day on the job, answering phones and putzing around the office it was time to go home and start my weekend. Thrilled that my day was finally over, I decide I would walk to the train even though it had started to rain. It was only a drizzle, how much harm could it do, right? Well, just as I was a couple of block into my walk the rain started to pick up, still I didn't think anything of it because I had my umbrella and I was all set.

Again this was a premature confidence because as soon as I stepped onto the marble landing at the Met Life building the worst thing possible happened. I SLIPPED. When I stepped onto the marble there was like a layer of water on top of it from everyone walking into the building. This combination was a guaranteed disaster. I immediately slipped and lost my balance and hit the ground in a sitting position, people crowded around me to see it I okay. Very embarrassed I quickly got up and gathered myself and assured everyone around me that I was fine. Trying to wrap my head around the fact, that just happened I started walking to the doors.

No sooner did I take one step I slipped again trying to catch my balance I slammed my umbrella into the ground, swung my arms, and lost control of my body. That is correct I fell again, and this time made an elaborate scene just to make sure that everyone saw. I am not even sure how I ended up on the floor again, but this time I was flat on my back in a five star. The same group of people crowded around me to see if I was okay and needed help. I laid for a minute with my eyes as wide as they could be, stunned at this point and pretty numb to all feeling, all I wanted to do was get up and on the train without anyone else seeing me fall.

As I tried to casually get up a little Asian woman, who is probably half my size was trying to pick me up by the back of my arms. I assured her I was okay and could get up, but she insisted on lifting me off the ground. This was causing even more of a scene because she couldn't lift me. If she has succeeded in picking me up I would have fallen again, simply because it was awkward positioning and needed to gain stability on my own. Very appreciative of the woman's help, I calmly told her I could get up on my own. Not sure where she went after that, but I continued to walk towards the door. Before I got to the doors the building secruity guard stopped me and asked if I was okay. All this attention was way to much to answer so I muttered out yes, trying to avoid anymore conversation.

During all of this there was a very nice girl, that had been standing right next to me through the whole thing, she gripped my arm the whole way until I was inside. She definitely did not want me to suffer through another fall and you could tell by her gripped, she thought it would happen again.

When we finally made it inside she said,"At least it was at the end of the day, if it was in the morning you would have just wanted to go home." I laughed and told her that was very true.

Without any further public humiliation I made it to the train back soaking wet and my white shirt now brown from the dirty water, I sat down and started out for home. I laughed to myself because this occurance is just a typical part of my daily life. Two gentlemen sat down next to me and started complaining about how wet they got from the rain. I causually chimmed in, trying to offer some pleasure and lighthearted conversation about my humiliation. I said, " At least you didn't fall."

The man stared at me "You fell? But you look fine, completely put together, noone would know."

"Well I fell twice flat on my back." I leaned forward to show him the damage.

He laughed, "How did you even fall. That is awful."

"I think it was because it was so slippery outside of the Met Life building."

He took a quick glance down at my feet and said, "No wonder you fell you have flip flops on, you deserve it. I don't understand women and how you guys walk in flip flops all the time."

This situation could not get anymore surreal. To top it off when I was getting off the train glad that I had finally made it home and hoping that nothing else could go wrong, I discovered that due to my falling I had split my pants. COM'ON, split my pants is this real life?!?!

Not sure if that was the classiest act a city girl could have pulled but it was probably one of the funniest, and I bet you those people that went home after helping me got a good laugh at the dinner table because of my mishap. My life is truly a joke! At least I wasn't laughing alone.

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