It is finally Friday and I have sucessfully completed one full week of commuting. There have not been any major issues (knock on wood). Except for that stupid little parking ticket that has found its way to my windshield every afternoon. I have successfully not been able to figure out parking at the Katonah Train Station and managed to continously get parking tickets. At 20 bucks a pop, I think that is a very expensive first week on the job.
For the life of me I really had no idea why the meter was telling me "sorry space is unavailable." I truly thought the machine was broken. Being new to this whole commuting thing I left my car in one of the numbered spots everyday hoping that they would skip giving me a ticket. I went so far as to leave a note on my car that said, "The meter is broken, it keeps telling me, 'sorry spot is unavailable.' I have money to pay, but don't know what it isn't working." I figured if the officer read this he would feel so bad an not give me a ticket, how mistaken was I. I arrived off of the train at 630 to find that the officer had simply placed a ticket right on my note, did he even read it, I will never know.
The following day on my way to another ticket I saw a sign covered by leaves and hanging branches. The sign read "meter parking does not start until 10 am, priority to permit holders." How the heck was I supposed to know that, was I supposed the climb into the jungle remove all of the leaves a read the sign, which I did not even know was there until yesterday. Right below was a visible sign that read parking meter this way, that was clearly the only one I paid attention to! Like come on, cut the trees back and make it convenient. So now I was in a situation, where was I supposed to park and I couldn't just call my boss and be like "yea I'm going to come in at 10 now bcause I can't park at the train station until then." Easy solution right, get a parking pass, not so easy, kind of expensive and gets issued in July. (which is today, yayyy parking pass!)
Anyway, on my way to the train today I saw a bunch of guys in suits walking from a lot down the street. They looked like businessmen in suites with breifcases heading to the train. Heck I'm a professional now, I figured I'd follow suit. Turns out right down the road all along was a commuter parking lot with.... yup you guessed it a parking meter that ran all day and did not start at 10. If only I knew or took the time to look, but I was so anxious about getting the train and being on time that I chose to get the tickets instead. My bad.
On the positive side it only took me a week and $80 to figure how to commute and park for $5 instead of $20. Now that that's over, I think i'll take the local shuttle for $1.50, gotta save up to pay my tickets. At least by the end of week on I'm looking more and more like an official city girl.
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